John H. MORAN was born in New York City, April 2, 1827, and acquired a common school education there.  He came to California with STEVENSON’s Regiment Company D, on board the Susan DREW, which made the passage around the Horn, and reached California March 26, 1847.  He continued with the army until the 24th of October, 1848, and after that for some years was in the mining district.


Mr. MORAN was sergeant-at-arms of the State Senate at Sacramento in 1865, and for a number of years was in the mercantile business in that city.  Eventually Napa City became his home town, where he married, July 8, 1860, Julia Etta WHITE, a native of Milton, Massachusetts, who came to California in early times.  Mr. MORAN was very active in promoting the interests of his home state.  In the pioneer room of the museum in Golden Gate Park at San Francisco is seen a painting showing Mr. MORAN with papers in his hand marking the acquisition of Golden Gate Park as a public park.  He was a member of the Society of California Pioneers.


Mr. and Mrs. MORAN had three children: Alice, who married Dr. Edward F. DONNELLY; John J., and Louise.  Louise MORAN is the wife of James J. DONNELLY, who came to California from Philadelphia.  Mr. MORAN died in San Francisco February 17, 1871.


Transcribed by Deana Schultz.

Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region" Vol. 3 page 287-288 by Bailey Millard. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc. 1924.

© 2004 Deana Schultz.


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