San Francisco County





Moore, Hayes & Co., of San Francisco, are selling agents for the Farmers’ Alliance, and are also doing a commission business for other parties.  Their business is with the interior of the State, and consists principally in the handling of grain and other products of the farm.  The firm organized February 1, 1891, and it is expected that it will be connected with the Farmers’ Alliance in other States.


Mr. Moore, the senior member of the firm, is a native of Nova Scotia.  He has been in business in San Francisco for sixteen years, and during all this time has also been engaged in contracting and building, and has erected many of the finest buildings of the city.  He has established a good reputation as a reliable and worthy business man.  Mr. Hayes is a native son of San Francisco, born August 20, 1857, the son of John W. Hayes, a native of Virginia.  The latter came to San Francisco in 1850, and has been a business man of this city since that time.  He married Margaretta G. King, the daughter of Samuel D. King, the first Surveyor-General of the State of California.  They have six children, all of whom reside in San Francisco.  Mr. Hayes, the eldest son, was educated in the public and private schools of San Francisco.  In 1887 he was elected Secretary, Treasurer and Librarian of the Chamber of Commerce of this city, and has been re-elected five years in succession.  He is also Secretary of the Merchants’ Club, and takes a deep interest in the commercial affairs of San Francisco.


Please Note: In the 1890 San Francisco City Directory, page 617, Mr. Hayes is listed as Haynes, Thomas J., secretary, Chamber of Commerce, Merchants’ Exchange Bldg., r. 913 Fillmore. [npmelton]

In the 1887  San Francisco City Directory, page 589, Mr. Hayes is listed as Haynes, Thomas J., secretary, treasurer and librarian Chamber of Commerce, Merchants’ Exchange Bldg., r. 631 Hayes. [npmelton]


Transcribed Karen L. Pratt.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 668, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Karen L. Pratt.



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