STANLEY P. MOORHEAD, contractor and builder at San Rafael, is a native of the old Keystone State, born at Washington, October 13, 1847, the fifth in a family of eight children born to his parents, Samuel and Elizabeth (Bills) Moorhead.  The father was also a native of Pennsylvania, and a member of one of the old and influential families of that State.  He died in 1882.  The mother was a native of New York State, and died in 1852.
     Mr. Moorhead learned the carpenter’s trade in Pennsylvania, and followed it until 1875, when he came by rail to California.  For a few months after his arrival in San Francisco he worked at his trade a journeyman, then became an employe [sic] of the Central Pacific Railroad Company, working at various points on the line of the road for two years.  In 1888 he permanently located in San Rafael, and is now carrying on business jointly with his brother, Albert T.  They have erected many public buildings and private residenees [sic] in San Rafael, as the residences of John F. Bigelow and T.J. Crowley, etc.
     Mr. Moorhead is a staunch Republican.  At this time he is Chairman of the County Central committee.  In 1890 he was elected a member of the Town Council.
     He was joined in marriage in San Rafael, January 22, 1879, with Miss Anna T. Giblin, a native of California, and a daughter of Michael Giblin, a California pioneer of early day, who died at Virginia City, Nevada, in 1872.  They have two children, viz.: Gracie E. and Harold.  Socially Mr. Moorhead affiliates with K. of P., Chosen Friends, Carpenters and Joiner’s  Union, and Company D, Fifth Infantry, N.G.C.

Louise E. Shoemaker, Transcriber December 08th, 2004


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 635-636, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Louise E. Shoemaker.

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