San Francisco County






MR. FRANK D. MONCKTON, of San Francisco, was born January 20, 1861, and is a native son, having first seen the light of day near the town of Woodland, in Yolo county, California. He attended school at San Jose from 1869 to 1874, and then took a business college course in San Francisco, and in 1883 he entered the University of California--Hastings College of Law--and from that institution of learning received the degree of Bachelor of Laws, June 1, 1886. At the early age of twenty-three years, and while still a student at the Hastings Law College, he was appointed to the responsible positions of Commissioner and also deputy Clerk of the United States Circuit Court, at San Francisco, both of which positions he held and filled with marked ability and to the utmost satisfaction of all who came in contact with him until appointed Clerk of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals, for the Ninth Circuit, by Mr. Justice Field and Judge Lorenzo Sawyer, June 16, 1891. The San Francisco Evening Post of that date says that "a more popular appointment could not have been made."

      After receiving his appointments as Commissioner and deputy Clerk of the United States District Court, Mr. Monckton continued the study of the law, reading the college course a night, and after graduating with honors, took up the study and has given particular attention to Federal Court and Chancery practice, and in addition to being a young man well versed in the law generally he has the distinction of being one of the best-informed members of the San Francisco bar in all maters pertaining to the practice in and peculiar to the United States Courts and in chancery pleadings and practice in all its branches.

      Mr. Monckton’s intelligent rulings as Commissioner, and the courteous, straightforward and highly commendable manner in which he has conducted the affairs in his departments of the Circuit Court and of the Circuit Court of Appeals, have won for him the admiration, respect and confidence of the members of the legal profession, the press, and of the community in general, and his friends are legion.

      Mr. Monckton is a direct descendant from the family of Monckton, one of the oldest and most influential families of England, his great-grandfather and grandfather having emigrated to America in 1801, from Yorkshire, England, settling on a farm, known as the Monckton homestead, near Waterford, Ohio, where his father, Mr. Daniel Monckton, the well-known mining expert, was born, and who in the early days of California married Miss Sarah M. Parish, one of Ohio’s most worthy and highly respected daughters. 



Transcribed 3-4-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 395-396, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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