San Francisco County










THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PACKING & PROVISION COMPANY represents one of San Francisco’s old and reliable enterprises, it having been established in 1869 by H. Mohr and H. Kroger. In 1878 three provision houses consolidated, and Mr. Nonnenmann and J. G. Johnson were added to the firm. Previous to (sic) to this time the company had only slaughtered, and since then the packing and curing of both pork and (sic) and beef have been included in their business. Mr. Johnson soon afterward retired, since which time the firm has consisted of Messrs. Mohr, Kroger & Nonnenmann, all having been engaged in this line of business since they were boys. They conduct a strictly wholesale establishment, with office and sales house at Nos. 2l8 and 220 Front Street, packing house at Seventh avenue and M street, and slaughter house at Fourth avenue and M street. They have a forty horse-power engine and an eight-ton refrigerating machine, and constantly employ from twenty-five to thirty-five men. No house on the coast has a larger experience or better facilities for business than this highly reliable firm of solid business men. From its inception the business has met with success, and the product from this establishment now finds a ready market all over the Pacific coast.

      All the members of the firm are natives of Germany, but have been residents of California from their youth up. All are married, have families, own residences and other property in this city. They are Californians in every sense of the word, and are representative business men of San Francisco.



Transcribed7-1-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 419, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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