San Francisco County









      Among those who hold commanding prestige in the medical profession of San Francisco is Dr. Andrew Jones Minaker, whose office suite is situated in the Flood building at 870 Market street. As an authority on gynecology and as a medical practitioner, he has gained wide repute. He was born in Contra Costa county, California, April 8, 1876, and is a son of the late John Richard and Mary Elizabeth (Jones) Minaker.

      On his paternal side, Dr. Minaker is descended from English stock, the progenitor of his family on the American continent having settled in Canada in a very early day. John Richard Minaker, father of Dr. Minaker, was born in Picton, Ontario, and acquired his education in Canada. In 1867 he made his way westward to Contra Costa county, California, where he engaged in farming and stock-raising during the remainder of his life. While he was one of the most public-spirited men of his county, and a stanch democrat, he never sought public office, although he did serve terms as county road overseer. As a member of a Protestant Church, he was very devout in his religious beliefs. His death occurred in 1925, when he was eighty-four years of age. In Canada he had been married to Mary Elizabeth Jones, and she followed him to California in 1869, after he had been successful in establishing a home here. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Jones) Minaker was a native of Belleville, Ontario, Canada, and was of English and Welsh descent. She died in 1921. By her marriage to John R. Minaker, she was the mother of five sons and four daughters, of whom Dr. Minaker was the fifth in order of birth. Five children of the family survive.

      Andrew J. Minaker attended the public schools of Contra Costa county, and also studied under a private preceptor. During his boyhood days he cherished the hope of becoming a physician, and he worked steadily toward his goal. During his school days he found employment of various kinds. His earliest years were passed on the home farm, and he learned every phase of the life of an agriculturist. Between the ages of fourteen and seventeen years he was employed as a clerk and delivery boy in a general merchandise store. He knew the value of thrift, and with the money he earned he accumulated sufficient funds to pay his way through college. He first took up the study of medicine in the Hahnemann Medical College of the Pacific, from which he graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1899, in which year he entered active practice. During 1900 he engaged in the merchant marine service between San Francisco and China. Dr. Minaker has taken a number of post-graduate courses. In 1902 he studied at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in San Francisco, and in 1904 worked in the New York Homeopathic and New York School of Clinical Medicine. The degree of Ph. G. was conferred upon him by the College of Physicians and Surgeons in San Francisco in 1902. He acted as assistant visiting physician and gynecologist on the staff of the San Francisco City Hospital in 1904. In 1906 and 1907, Dr. Minaker was visiting surgeon under Dr. A. W. Morton of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and later he acted in a similar capacity under Dr. James Ward, dean of the Hahnemann Hospital College of the Pacific.

      Dr. Minaker enlisted for service in the World war on the 28th of March, 1917, and was assigned to duty in the navy on the 2d of April following, continuing in active service until June, 1919. He was first commissioned lieutenant, junior grade, was later advanced to the rank of lieutenant and since the war has been an active member of the medical reserve corps of the United States Navy, with the rank of lieutenant commander.

      Dr. Minaker has been twice married, first in 1899, in San Francisco, to Miss R. May Lain, a native of Pennsylvania a daughter of William R. and Emma (Reeves) Lain. The two sons of this union are Arthur Robert and William Lain, the latter being a graduate of the University of California and a civil engineer by profession. On the 12th of July, 1923, Dr. Minaker married Gertrude Granfield, a native of Roumania. They reside at 200 Granville way, San Francisco.

      The connections of Dr. Minaker with professional organization include the San Francisco Medical Association, the California State Medical Association, the American Medical Association, the American Institute of Homepathy and the California State Homeopathic Society. He is a thirty-second degree Mason, holding membership in Excelsior Lodge, No. 166, F. & A. M.; Golden Gate Commandery, K. T.; and Islam Temple of the Mystic Shrine. He belongs to the Union League and Press Clubs, and has always been identified with the republican party. He has embraced every opportunity to be a valued citizen of San Francisco and California, and has attained personal popularity in every sphere of life where he has made contact.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 214-218.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County