San Francisco County









      On the list of professional men in San Francisco appears the name of Jesse H. Miller, an able attorney, who has always resided in this, his native city. Born November 23, 1897, he is a son of Louis and Augusta Miller, the former born January 17, 1870, and the latter on the 28th of April, 1877, and is of German descent in both the paternal and maternal lines.

      When his grammar school courses was completed Jesse H. Miller enrolled as a pupil in the Humboldt evening high school, and in the San Francisco Law School, and in the office of Walter H. Linforth made thorough preparation for the vocation of his choice. Until his admission to the California bar in 1920 he was employed as a clerk in the office of W. H. Linforth and since that time has engaged in general practice in San Francisco, proving a capable advocate and a safe counselor. He maintains an office on the seventh floor of the de Young building and is intrusted with legal interests of importance.

      On the 8th of June, 1921, Mr. Miller was married in San Francisco to Miss Rose C. Segal, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Segal, of this city. The two children of this marriage are: Gwendolyn Walta, who was born September 1, 1923; and Robert Alan, born November 30, 1929.

      Mr. Miller is a republican in his political views, and has membership in the Union League Club of San Francisco and the Union League Golf and Country Club. A prominent Mason, he belongs to Fidelity Lodge, No. 120, F. & A. M., of San Francisco; to the Scottish Rite bodies; and Islam Temple of the Mystic Shrine. He also has fraternal relations with San Francisco Lodge, No. 3, B. P. O. E. In the affairs of the Native Sons of the Golden West he is very active, being a past president of California Parlor, No. 1, and at Monterey in 1931 was elected a grand trustee of the organization, which office he is now filling. The advancement and betterment of his city and state are matters of vital import to Mr. Miller, who typifies the progressive spirit of the west, and possesses all of the qualifications essential to success in a most exacting profession.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 415-416.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County