San Francisco County







   H. B. M. Miller, a San Francisco attorney, was born in Norwichville, Canada, January 31, 1860, a son of Dr. Joseph A. Miller, a native of Canada. His mother’s name before marriage was Ella J. McClellan, and her father, Rev. William McClellan, a native of Canada, was a cousin of the great military general, George B. McClellan. 

   At the age of fourteen years the subject of this sketch came to San Leandro, California, with his parents, where he attended school for about a year, when he left his home and started in life for himself at San Francisco by becoming a messenger boy, meanwhile devoting all his leisure hours to study.  At the age of eighteen he passed the teachers’ examination and engaged in teaching for several years; studied short-hand and entered the employ of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, where he remained about five years; and during this time he read law, studying nights and was admitted to the bar in 1887.  Since then he has devoted his attention exclusively to his chosen profession.  Having a large acquaintance, his prospect for building up an extensive practice is good.


Transcribed by David Rugeroni.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 227-228, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 David Rugeroni.




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