San Francisco County






ADAM MILLER was born in the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1843, and is the son of an architect of the old school. His father was born in one of the European countries, and was a master of his profession. Mr. Miller spent his youth in his native city, attending school. When he had finished his studies he entered his father’s office, where he was thoroughly instructed in the principles of architectural laws and building. Before he reached his majority he determined to come to the Pacific coast, and he accordingly went to New York City, and sailed from that port via the Isthmus, arriving here in 1864. The first ten years of his residence here were devoted to his profession, but in 1874 he began taking contracts for buildings, and since that time he has been one of the prominent leaders of his craft. Among the many large buildings erected by him are the Wells Fargo Express Building, corner of Mission and New Montgomery streets, the General Keys Hotel Block, and the William Tell Block, all model structures. He has now in process of erection the Doe Building, on Market and Ninth streets, in area one of the largest blocks in the city.

      For more than a quarter of a century Mr. Miller has been a faithful pupil of that most efficient teacher, Experience, and he has profited by her instructions. He enjoys an enviable reputation both as to professional ability and personal integrity. He is a member of the Builders’ Exchange and of the Builders’ Association.


Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 539, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Elaine Sturdevant.


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San Francisco County


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