J. B. Mhoon, a lawyer of San Francisco, was born in Alabama in 1840.  His grandfather, who was a Scotch-Irish descent, came to this country during the last century, settling in North Carolina, where he served in the Revolutionary war.  The father, also a lawyer, was a native of North Carolina, but after reaching manhood removed to Alabama, where his death occurred in 1844.


Major Mhoon, our subject, attended school during boyhood, receiving his preparatory education in his native State.  He entered Princeton College and graduated in the class of 1859.  He read law in his native State, having the advantage of his father’s law library, and after completing his legal studies was admitted to the bar.  He came to California in 1869, and after being admitted to the bar engaged in practice, and has since been an active member of the San Francisco bar, being engaged mostly in civil practice.  He has devoted himself exclusively to his profession.



"The Bay of San Francisco" Volume 1. Lewis Publishing Company 1892. Page 451-452.

Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton.


© 2003 Nancy Pratt Melton


San Francisco County California Biography Project


California Statewide


Golden Nugget Library