San Francisco County





WILLIAM L. MERRY.–The great packing and provision house of San Francisco was organized in this city, in 1851, by J. Y. Wilson. In 1869 it passed into the hands of Wilson, Merry & Co., and in 1874, to Merry, Faul & Co. Mr. Faul died in June, 1889, and the business has since been run by Mr. William L. Merry, who is now sole owner. The first location of the establishment was at the corner of Broadway and Sansome streets, where it remained until 1865. At that time it was removed to Blocks 257 and 258 North Beach, bounded by Webster, Beach, Buchanan and Bay streets, where they built their Block Point Packing and provision House and their large refrigerator building. Here they have all the machinery and capacity for five hundred head of stock daily. Their buildings were erected in 1865, at a cost of $25,000, and additions have since been made, the whole costing about $45,000(.) Their offices are located at 125 and 127 California street. Mr. Merry has been connected with the business since 1869, and is thoroughly informed concerning all its details, from purchasing of the live-stock of the producers to preparing it in the most approved manner for market. The house has acquired a wide and well-earned reputation on the Pacific coast, and for years has had large contracts for furnishing supplies to the United States army and navy, which have been filled to the highest satisfaction of the parties concerned.

Mr. Merry is Consul-General for the Republic of Nicaragua, and Pacific Coast Agent for the Nicaragua Canal Company. He is president of the Chamber of Commerce, and is at present one of its trustees. He is prominently connected with the Masonic fraternity; belongs to Oriental Lodge of California, No. 144, F. & A. M.; California Royal Arch Chapter, No. 1; and California Commandery, Knights Templar, No. 1. Politically he is a Republican. Mr. Merry is a native of New York city, but has long been identified with the interests of California and her great metropolis, having arrived at San Francisco in June, 1850, via Cape Horn.

Transcribed by 8-1-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 428-429, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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