San Francisco County









FROLICH & MEIGHAN, proprietors of the Pioneer Cigar Box Factory, succeeded to the business established by Abraham Waldstein in 1856. Cigar-making was then in its infancy and the necessary boxes were manufactured at the home of Mr. Waldstein. From this small beginning the present important industry has grown. Mr. Waldstein died in 1888, but his widow continued the business under the same firm name until October 1889. Mr. Frolich acting as her manager. Messrs. Frolich & Meighan then purchased one-third interest each, and the firm of A. Waldstein & Co. continued until June 6, 1890, when Frolich & Meighan became sole proprietors. They increased the capacity of the factory to 2,500 boxes per day, and employ an average of thirty-five hands. They ship their goods to British Columbia, Central America, Australia, and the Pacific Coast states. The lumber used in the manufactury is purchased in cargo lots in Central America, and is cedar-wood; it is shipped in large, square, hewn logs, and the sawing is all done at the factory.


Theodore Frolich was born in Hanover, Germany, in 1856, and at the age of thirteen years he emigrated to America, where his father was then living. He was educated in the public schools and Barnard’s College, being graduated from the latter institution in 1879. He was then employed in the office of Mr. Waldstein, where he made his services of great value to the proprietor. He was married in San Francisco May 12, 1890, to Miss Hattie Waldstein, a daughter of Abraham Waldstein and a native of California. They have one child, Audrey F. Mr. Frolich is a member of the F. & A. M., being Past Master of Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 44; he also belongs to the chapter and commandery. He is one of the directors of the Alliance Building & Loan Association. He has a pleasant residence at 807 Fulton street, which he erected in 1891.


Thomas P. Meighan was born at Diamond Spring, in El Dorado county, California, August 29, 1860. He received his education in the public schools and the Sacred Heart College. When he had finished his literary studies he entered the law office of Eugene Deuprey, and was afterward one of the first students at Hastings Law College. After two years of close application his health failed him and he was obliged to withdraw from the college. In order to change his occupation he purchased a newspaper route, which he conducted for eight years. He then entered the office of A. Waldstein as salesman and continued in this department until he succeeded to the business. He was united in marriage in the city of San Francisco, April 27, 1887, to Miss Hattie Dick, and of this union one child has been born, Carrie Bernice. Mr. Meighan is a member of Pacific Parlor, No. 10, N. S. G. W. He resides at 803 Fulton Street, where he has just completed a tasteful dewlling.


The firm of Frolich & Meighan is among the most active commercial institutions in the city. They are young, energetic, and industrious men, and possess all the elements that insure success.


Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 545-546, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Elaine Sturdevant.


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