San Francisco County








   HERMANN MEESE was born in the kingdom of Hanover, Germany, November 10, 1826.  His father, a contractor and builder, died in 1836, when Hermann was about ten years of age, and from his foreman, who continued the business, Hermann learned his father’s trade, and in order to perfect his knowledge of the same traveled some, reaching New Orleans in 1848, from which place he went to St. Louis, working at his trade there for about two years.  In March, 1850, he started with about 130 men overland for California, and after a hazardous trip of seven months reached San Francisco, where he resumed his trade as contractor and house builder and continued the same until 1865; a few years previous he associated with several friends establishing a company for the purpose of refining sugar, and as he was still engaged in the building trade he commenced work on the refinery which was completed and commenced operation in 1864; in 1865 the company was incorporated under the name of the Bay Sugar Refinery, elected Hermann Meese as its president and also requested him to assume the duty of manager, which office he accepted and discontinued the business of contractor and builder; he retained the office of president of the Bay Sugar Refinery until 1879, when the company sold the refinery and discontinued business.

   In 1858, while still at his trade, Hermann Meese became the owner of a vineyard in Los Angeles county, and about three years later joined four other owners of vineyards at Anaheim, Los Angeles county, in establishing a wholesale wine business, with headquarters in San Francisco, under the name of United Anaheim Wine Growers’ Association, carrying on the business of selling and exporting California wines in furtherance of which a branch was established in Chicago, and a large trade gained through this branch until 1870 it joined the other business houses of Chicago in the memorable fire; this branch was discontinued and the shares of the other members of the business in San Francisco were bought by Hermann Meese and John Bach, and the business continued under the firm name of Bach, Meese & Co., until 1888, when Mr. Meese sold out his interest, and, the refinery having also discontinued, Mr. Meese retired from business.


   In 1864 Hermann Meese was elected President of the German Evangelical Lutheran St. Paulus Congregation, which office he retained until 1879, when he moved to Oakland, where he was instrumental with the help of others in organizing the German Evangelical Lutheran Zion’s Congregation, of which he was chosen President, and this position he still (1891) occupies.

   Hermann Meese was married in 1853, in San Francisco, to Catharina Margarethe Waldman, also a native of Hanover, Germany, who died in 1880 leaving six sons and one daughter, all of whom are living:

   Constant (now married), who after completing his education learned the machinist’s trade, was assistant manager of the Bay Sugar Refinery and then with John Clot established the Reliance Machine Works, which business they now carry on as clot, Meese & Co.

   Edwin (now married), after a three years’ course in an Eastern college, was for several years bookkeeper in the Bay Sugar Refinery and is now in the insurance business in Oakland.

   Walter (now married), who after his school education completed a course at Heald’s Business College, became engaged in the Bay Sugar Refinery, in the interest of which company he made a trip to San Salvador, Central America, remaining there one year, and upon his return was engaged as bookkeeper for Bach, Meese & Co., remaining with them seven years, when he established a wholesale wooden and willow ware business in Oakland, which he still retains, extending his business throughout Alameda county.

   Hermann (now married), a graduate of the high school, after a course at the State University is now in the newspaper business in Kansas City.

   Emma (now Mrs. Heinrich Stut), whose husband is a civil engineer with headquarters in San Francisco.

   Gustav (now married), a graduate of the high school and of the business college, was for several years head bookkeeper of a wholesale grocery business in san Francisco, and is now cashier and head bookkeeper of a wholesale wooden and willow ware business in Portland, Oregon.

   Adolph, who after a school education learned the printer’s trade and is now engaged as compositor with a permanent firm in San Francisco.


Transcribed by Cathi Skyles.


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 308-309, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Cathi Skyles.




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