San Francisco County









      To have achieved success both as a merchant and as a lawyer is the unique record of William G. McMahon, of the merchant tailoring firm of McMahon & Keyer, Incorporated, at 119-21 Kearny street in San Francisco. He was born in Oakland, California, November 9, 1879, and is a son of the late Michael and Katherine (McVey) McMahon.

      Michael McMahon was born in Blackford, Ireland, and in the old country was reared and educated. After coming to the United States as a young man, he first settled in Boston, Massachusetts, then in the early ‘70s he moved to Oakland, California, and there resided for many years. He was a railroad construction engineer by profession, having learned this science at Dublin University, of which institution he was a graduate. His death occurred January 1, 1930, when he was in his eighty-fourth year. His wife, the mother of William G. McMahon, was born in Enniskillen, Ireland. She came to the United States in the early ‘70s and first settled in Boston, where she married Mr. McMahon. They became the parents of a large family of children, of whom three sons and a daughter survive. Mrs. McMahon is now deceased.

      William G. McMahon attended the grade and high schools, business college, and St. Ignatius College, from which latter institution he received the degree of Bachelor of Laws. Early in life, however, he learned the art of earning his own livelihood, by dint of necessity. When he was thirteen years old, he found employment with the firm of Charles Lyons & Sons, leading merchant tailors, who paid him for his services the sum of seven dollars per week. However, in the nine years he remained with this firm he learned all branches of merchant tailoring, a training which was destined to be of vast benefit to him through the later years. At nights during this period he attended business college, and later took up the study of law. In 1904, Mr. McMahon entered the merchant tailoring business on his own responsibility. He was first situated in the Hearst building at Third and Market streets, and at this location remained two years. In 1906, he organized his present firm, of which he is president, and which was officially established on May 6th of that year. McMahon & Keyer, Incorporated, is now one of the leading merchant tailoring organizations in San Francisco, having catered to a wide class of trade and having been conducted along the highest lines of business integrity. Mr. McMahon also maintains a law office, and now holds the position of counsel for the Pacific Coast Merchants Tailoring Association.

      On June 26, 1907, in San Francisco, California, occurred the marriage of William G. McMahon and Miss Christina Leona Condon, who was born in Marysville, California, a daughter of the late Edward and Christina (Murray) Condon, old and respected settlers in Marysville. The McMahons residence in San Francisco is situated at 743 Thirty-second avenue.

      Mr. McMahon is a communicant of the Roman Catholic Church, and in political activities he has maintained an independent attitude. He is a member and past chancellor of the Knights of Columbus, and belongs to the Olympic Club, the Lakeside Golf and Country Club, the Presidio Golf Club, and the Native Sons of the Golden West. He holds membership in the San Francisco Bar Association and the California State Bar Association. Among business organizations, he is affiliated with the Industrial Association and the Chamber of Commerce, both of San Francisco. Outdoor life of various kinds has provided him with diversions from the cares of business. He has never refused his cooperation with his fellow citizens in local matters which he considered of merit, and through his friendly manner of meeting and dealing with others he has won a host of admirers.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 445-447.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County