San Francisco County











            Within the last decade more attention and thought has been given to co-operative, fraternal and beneficiary societies than at any time in the memory of man. Students, financiers, and our leading citizens have given this subject much study and time in promoting and fostering them. The subject of this sketch is the son of the late J. M. McKee, a man well and favorably known in business circles, and a leader in moral reforms and the promotion of religion. Brother J. L. McKee is a native of Middletown, Connecticut, and arrived on the Pacific coast in 1853. He was the founder, and has been and is now the Secretary, of the Safety Endowment Union, one of the most popular endowment associations in this State.

            Brother McKee is a member of Hercules Lodge, A. O. U. W., P. D.  Far West Lodge K. of H., P. C. Golden West Council A. L. of H, Past Grand commander U. E. A., P. C., Pacific Lodge, L. O. W., P. P. Hamilton Lodge, R. A., and has filled every position in the various lodges, and served from five to eight years in the financial positions of the lodges, and is considered an expert in the keeping of lodge accounts, and has gotten up several improved forms of account books which have met with general favor.

            For the past five years he has made a study of endowments, and is considered to have a thorough knowledge of both fraternal and endowment insurance, and his advice and opinion are sought by all classes. 




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast, Page 294, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1889.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

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