San Francisco County









      In the practice of law in San Francisco, notably in the conduct of probate and corporation litigation, an outstanding figure is Harry G. McKannay, whose offices are situated at 785 Market street. He is a native of San Jose, California, where his birth occurred March 24, 1879, and he is a son of the late William Roderick and Bridget (Moore) McKannay.

      William Roderick McKannay was born in Buffalo, New York, in 1844, and came to San Francisco about the year 1874. He was descended from Scotch ancestry on his paternal side, and from English on the maternal. His wife was born in Ireland about the same date as himself. Both of them died when their son, Harry G. McKannay, was very young.

      Harry G. McKannay was reared in San Jose, and remained a resident there continually until 1899. He attended the grade and high schools in that city, also the State Teachers College there. Having determined upon a professional career, he began his preparation for this vocation in the law department of the University of California, and later entered Hastings College of Law in San Francisco. He received his Bachelor of Laws degree from this institution in 1907, in May of which year he established himself in practice, first specializing in civil jury work, then corporation and probate law. Previous to his graduation from Hastings College of Law, he had engaged for a considerable time in teaching. He taught for one year in Woodside, San Mateo county, California; for one and a half years in Siskiyou county, California; for one year in San Jose; and while attending college in San Francisco from 1903 until 1907 he taught in the night schools, thereby earning his livelihood while acquiring his professional training. He was likewise secretary to the mayor of San Francisco from 1907 until 1910, and was assistant city attorney of San Francisco from 1910 until 1917. His progress before the local bar has been steady and characterized by intelligent and skillful practice, with the result that he has acquired a most satisfactory clientele and a general reputation of high merit in the bay district.

      In addition to his law practice, Mr. McKannay has been active in various business matters of importance. He is now president of the California Iron & Steel Corporation, a steel jobbing concern, and is also vice president and counsel of the North American Oil Consolidated, engaged in oil production.

      Mr. McKannay has been twice married, first on March 27, 1907, and secondly on June 6, 1925. His present wife was, prior to her marriage, Miss Grace Greenwood, and she was born in Forestville, California, February 5, 1885, of French and English descent. Both of her parents were born and reared in the Mother Lode district of California, and are now deceased. Mr. McKannay is the father of two children, Mary L. and Richard H. The family residence is situated at 3966 Washington street in San Francisco.

      In politics, Mr. McKannay has customarily given his support to the republican party. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to California Lodge, No. 1, F. & A. M., and to the Scottish Rite bodies in San Francisco. He is also a member of the local Rotary Club, of which he was president in 1917-18. He has liberally contributed of his support to worthy civic affairs in San Francisco, and was particularly helpful in the various activities in aid of the government during the prosecution of the late World war.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 147-149.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County