Hugh K. McJunkin was born in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 18, 1845. His parents Josiah and Perthenia G. (King) McJunkin, were natives of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania.  Both his grandfathers were of the pioneer settlers of that State, and built the first block-house in western Pennsylvania.


Young McJunkin enlisted in the war before reaching manhood, and served as gunner of Battery H, Third Pennsylvania Light Artillery.  After the war closed he returned to his native State, and entered Washington and Jefferson Colleges, and graduated in the class of 1866, taking the degree of B. A., and afterward that of M. A.   He read law, and, after being admitted to the bar, practiced his profession in Pittsburgh.  In a short time he went to Iowa, and in 1872 was elected District Attorney, the district being composed of nine counties.  In January, 1877, he came to California, and since then has practiced law in San Francisco.  In 1882 he served as Assistant District Attorney under Judge Pratt.  He was elected representative to the State Legislature from the Forty-fifth district, and served during the sessions of 1885-‘86.


Mr. McJunkin is a member of George H. Thomas Post, Grand Army of the Republic, of California Commandery, K. T., of the A. O. U. W., and the Legion of Honor.


"The Bay of San Francisco" Volume 1. Lewis Publishing Company 1892. Page 451.

Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton.


© 2003 Nancy Pratt Melton


San Francisco County California Biography Project


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