San Francisco County









      Now engaged in the general practice of law in the city of San Francisco, with offices at 405 Montgomery street, Thomas R. McGrath is most creditably known and commended for the ability he has shown as an attorney. He is a native of San Francisco, where his birth occurred May 1, 1894, and he is a son of the late Daniel Thomas McGrath and his wife, Mary (Mahon) McGrath, both of whom were born in County Galway, Ireland. The father emigrated to the United States in the early ‘80s, and came directly to San Francisco, where he followed his trade of carpentering. His death occurred February 20, 1905. His wife, who was Mary Mahon, came to this country in the late ‘80s, and is now residing in San Francisco, where they were married. Their family numbered two sons and three daughters, four of whom survive.

      Thomas R. McGrath, who was the second in order of birth, attended the public and parochial schools of San Francisco, then took up his higher studies in St. Ignatius College, from which he received the Bachelor of Laws degree in the year 1917. For a number of years he had worked assiduously for a law education, and from 1910 to 1917 he was employed as an assistant to the secretary of the superior judges of San Francisco county. During this period, he attended the night classes of St. Ignatius College, and thus was enabled to attain his desired goal. However, before entering upon active practice, he answered the call of duty and in November, 1917, enlisted in the United States Army for service in the World war. He was assigned to the Three Hundred and Sixteenth Ammunition Train of the Ninety-first Division, and remained through the war with this unit. He was honorably discharged May 15, 1919, as a non-commissioned officer. On July 2, 1919, he was admitted to the bar, and then became a member of the firm of Wing, O’Malley & McGrath in San Francisco. This firm remained intact until 1927, when Mr. O’Malley withdrew, and since then Mr. McGrath and Mr. Wing have been associated. They have acquired a large clientage, and have built their success on ethical and intelligent procedure in the practice. Mr. McGrath is now court commissioner, having been appointed by the superior judges.

      Mr. McGrath was married in San Francisco to Miss Harriet Johnson, a native of Topeka, Kansas, and they are the parents of a daughter, Dorothy Ann. They maintain their home at 477 Flood avenue in San Francisco.

      Mr. McGrath has given his support to the democratic party in national affairs, but locally he has followed an independent course. He was once a candidate for the general assembly from the twenty-fourth district, but was defeated. He is a member of the St. Finn Barrs Roman Catholic Church, and belongs to the Knights of Columbus, being past grand knight of West of Twin Peaks Council. He is past president of the Sunnyside Improvement Association.

      To the encouragement and intrepidity of his widowed mother, Mr. McGrath owes much for his success. She reared and educated her children by her own efforts, having conducted a small retail store in the city, and so gave her children the opportunities and advantages which otherwise they would not have had. She found prosperity in her business venture and is now enjoying the rewards of her Christian and unselfish attitude toward her family and their welfare.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 369-371.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County