San Francisco County







   E.W. McGRAW, of San Francisco, is a native of the State of Michigan, born in 1837.  His father, a large boot and shoe manufacturer, was a native of Orange county, New York, and his mother of Rhode Island; her parents were Quakers.  Mr. and Mrs. McGraw emigrated to Michigan, where they were among the early pioneers.  Our subject entered the State University of Michigan in 1855, and was graduated in the class of 1859.  He subsequently commenced the study of law, and was admitted to the bar in September, 1860, and the same year came to the Pacific coast, locating in Portland, Oregon, where he engaged in the practice of law.  He was elected City Attorney of Portland and also held the office of United States District Attorney.  In the fall of 1864 he went to the Sandwich Islands, but the following year returned, and afterward went to Idaho, where he engaged in the practice of law, and was also interested in mining, until the summer of 1867.  He then went East, and after making an extended visit among old friends returned to this State, arriving January 1, 1868, and since then, for the past twenty-two years, has been successfully engaged in the practice of his profession.  He has given much attention to land law, insurance law and admiralty, and is a recognized authority in this branch of the profession.  In his political preference Mr. McGraw is a Republican.  He is interested in good government, but is not an office-seeker.


Transcribed by Cathi Skyles.


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 303, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Cathi Skyles.




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San Francisco County


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