San Francisco County





ANDREW JOSEPH McGOVERN, of the firm of McGovern & Cahill, carpet and furniture merchants of Oakland, was born in Albany, New York, October 27, 1852, a son of Andrew and Margaret (Dolan) McGovern, both natives of Ireland. The mother died at about the age of forty-seven, but her parents were long-lived, especially the father, who was about eighty. The father of our subject lived to the age of sixty-seven. A. J. McGovern was educated in the public schools of Albany to the age of twelve, when he began to earn a living. He came to San Francisco in 1868, and obtained work in a wall-paper house, where he remained seven years, meanwhile improving his education by attending night school. He earned the confidence of his employers and became a trusted salesman. In April, 1875, he engaged in the wall-paper business in this city as a member of the firm of Van Ambey & McGovern, which continued until March, 1876, and afterward in his own name alone for a few months. In August, 1876, the present firm was formed and has continued to the present time without other change than a steady, continuous growth in their original business and the expansion of its scope to the wider field of carpets and furniture as well as wall-paper, lace-curtains, window shades and the allied wares usually found in all first-class houses in their line, their stock being as complete and varied as any on this coast. They were first located at 1157 Broadway, and in 1883 moved to larger quarters at 1060 on the same street, comprising two stores and a basement, 25 x 100 feet. In 1887 they opened their furniture store at 400 Twelfth street, corner of Franklin, consisting of main floor and basement, of 50 x 100 feet.

      Mr. McGovern is also president of the Whitney, Standard and Oakland Transfer Company of this city. He is owner of a ranch in Contra Costa county, and a fine home in Oakland. He is a member of the Y. M I., and was Treasurer of the Grand Institute of California in 1884. He is a Republican in politics, and takes an active interest in the welfare of his party. He was a delegate to the State Convention in Sacramento in 1890.

      Mr. McGovern was married in Oakland in 1879, to Miss Mary Carey, born in Kentucky in 1860, a daughter of John and Ann (Murphy) Carey, both natives of Ireland, who came to this State from Kentucky in 1861. The father died in East Oakland in 1878, aged about fifty-six; the mother is still living, at the age of about sixty. Mrs. McGovern’s grandparents on both sides were fairly long-lived. Mr. and Mrs. McGovern have two children; Francis Andrew, born May 20, 1880, and Genevieve, born April 6, 1881. 

Transcribed 12-28-05 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 281, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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