San Francisco County









      Although a comparative newcomer in the legal ranks of San Francisco, Toland C. McGettigan, whose offices are in the Mills building, has made marked progress in his profession, and stands well among the younger attorneys of this city. He was born in San Francisco, August 8, 1905, and is a son of Edward T. and Katherine (Toland) McGettigan, natives of Vallejo, California, and descended from early pioneers of California. The father was a newspaper man for a long period, and is now chief of the auto stage and truck department of the California Railroad Commission.

      Toland C. McGettigan received his grade and high school education in Redwood City, and subsequently entered the San Francisco University, from which institution he received the degree of Bachelor of Laws in 1929. He was admitted to the California state bar during the same year, and immediately established himself in practice, with offices, as at present, in the Mills building. He has acquired an excellent clientele during the interval he has been active, and is generally considered one of the most promising of the junior attorneys in the bay district. He is a member of the California State and the San Francisco Bar Association.

      Mr. McGettigan is a member of the Olympic Club of San Francisco, and his choice of recreation is outdoor life, in which he indulges at every opportunity. He has shown a sincere interest in municipal affairs of his native city, and has in all phases of his career indicated his fitness to be rated among the better class of San Francisco’s citizenship. Mr. McGettigan is unmarried.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 125-126.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County