San Francisco County









      Peter P. McDonough, member of the firm of McDonough Brothers at 700 Kearny street in San Francisco, known widely as successful dealers in bail bonds, is a native son of San Francisco, where his birth occurred May 10, 1872. He is a son of Patrick and Hannora (O’Connor) McDonough.

      Patrick McDonough came to California in 1859 by boat, and here engaged in contracting. He built the road from the Presidio to Harbor View, and in 1868 joined the San Francisco police department, where he served with credit for a period of twenty years and in 1888 was the first officer pensioned by the city. In 1889, he entered the liquor business. His death occurred in the year 1913. His wife, who also died in 1913, was well known in San Francisco through her excellent charitable work. Three sons and two daughters were born to their union, of whom two sons and one daughter survive.

      Peter P. McDonough received his education in the public schools and at Scared Heart College, following which he engaged in the haberdashery business for thirteen years. In 1896, in association with his brother, Thomas McDonough, he entered into the bail bond business, which they have continued until the present time.

      Mr. McDonough was married to Miss Penie Berg, a native of San Francicso, whose death occurred July 16, 1931, after their happy married life had covered a period of thirty-five years. Mrs. McDonough was a much respected and beloved woman, widely known for the charitable and helping aid she gave to friendless young women. In political activities, Mr. McDonough gives his support to the republican party, and he belongs to the Native Sons of the Golden West and the Improved Order of Red Men.

      Thomas McDonough, brother of Peter P., was born in San Francisco, February 19, 1870, and was educated in the public schools and Sacred Heart College. He became associated with his father in business in 1890, and in 1896 joined with his brother, as noted, in the bail bond field of endeavor. It is an interesting fact that he has been situated in the same building for the past forty-one years.

      Thomas McDonough was married to Miss Mary McDonough, who was born in San Francisco and is now deceased. He is a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles and the Druids.

      In San Francisco, the McDonough brothers have the reputation of being honorable and ethical exponents of the business which is their life work, and their clientage is commensurate with the exceptional ability and cooperation they have shown.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 106-107.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County