San Francisco County






JOHN T. McCORMICK, proprietor of the Standard Iron and Wire Works at 763 Mission street, is a native of Ireland, where he passed his boyhood. In his youth he went to Manchester, England, and with Greening & Co., an old established house, he learned the trade of iron and wire-working. He remained in their employ eight years, and became very proficient in the business. In 1867 he emigrated to the United States and at Baltimore, Maryland, he found employment at his trade. In a few months he decided to go to California. He made the journey via the Isthmus of Panama, arriving there in February, 1868. He expected to go later on to Australia, but upon learning that the wire-working industry was in operation in San Francisco he applied for a position, which he readily secured. At the end of six months he severed his connection with this house, and formed a partnership with Messrs. Gruenhagen & Bro., establishing the San Francisco Wire Works at 669 Mission street. After a few months this relationship ceased to exist, and the business was sold out. Mr. McCormick then returned to the California Wire Works, and remained in the employ of this firm as foreman for twenty years, when that branch of the business was abandoned. In October, 1889, he established the Standard Iron and Wire Works, and engaged in the manufacture of brass, iron and wire railings of every description, employing on an average seven hands. He made the first wire netting used upon the fish wheels on the Columbia river, under the patent of Williams Bros.


Mr. McCormick was married in San Francisco in 1871, to Miss Mary A. St. John, a native of New Orleans. They are the parents of five children: John E., Rose M., Charles M., Ethel and Marshall. Mr. McCormick is a member of Bernal Lodge, No. 19, A. O. U. W. He resides at 1724 Hyde street, where he owns three dwelling-houses adjoining each other, and some unimproved property. He is a man of wide business experience, and has aided very materially in the development of the wire-making industry in San Francisco.


Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant







REUBEN WOOD BROWN, deceased, for many years one of San Francisco’s active business men, was a native of Schuyler county, New York, and was born near Elmira in 1942. His boyhood days were spent in his native State, attending school. He came to California in 1866 and engaged in business, butchering and dealing in live stock in San Francisco. By his ability and good management he established a large and lucrative business, which he successfully conducted up to the time of his death, February 9, 1891. He had married a Miss Brown, of New York State, who survives him.




Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 565-566, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Elaine Sturdevant.


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San Francisco County


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