San Francisco County








W. F. M. McALLISTER, M. D., Has been a resident of California for the past twenty years, during which time he has practiced medicine in San Francisco. He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1844, and his early education was received in the public schools of that city.  Later he graduated at a private academy in that city. His family having removed to Kansas, he there commenced the study of medicine, in 1861. On the breaking out of the war, he entered the service in the Ninth Regiment of Kansas Cavalry, and from this regiment he was promoted as Hospital Steward in the regular army, stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas. He was afterwards sent to the front with the Army of the Tennessee, and was serving in the hospitals about the time of the battle of Nashville. He was later sent to the United States General Hospital at Indianapolis, where he continued until the close of the war.

      In 1865 Dr. McAllister entered the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia, and finally graduated in 1870, after a four year course. Meanwhile he practiced for a short time in Kansas. He then made a voyage around the world, as a surgeon in the employ of the Pacific Medical Company, which had arranged an excursion around the world. He made the trip from New York to China on the Arizona in 1870, and completed the excursion on the Steamer Alaska to San Francisco. The Doctor then entered into practice in this city and has continued since that time, and for eleven years has occupied the position of Quarantine Officer of the Port of San Francisco, for three years the position of United States Quarantine Officer at this port, and United States Commissioner of Immigration for nearly four years. He was Surgeon of the second Regiment of Artillery, N. G. C., from which he was promoted Brigade Surgeon, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel of the second Brigade, N. G. C. He is also a member of the State and County Medical Societies.   




Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 626-627, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2007 Kim Buck.


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