San Francisco County








      The important post of first assistant city engineer of San Francisco is capably filled by Lloyd Tevis McAfee, whose professional activities have brought him into close connection with large development projects in various parts of California. A native of this city, he attended its public schools and continued his studies in the Belmont Military Academy at Belmont, California. Taking up the work of a civil engineer, he was engaged in making railroad surveys in Shasta county, California, from June, 1901, until September of that year and for about two years thereafter was occupied in making surveys for proposed hydro-electric projects in Kings county, California. This work he completed in June, 1903, and then devoted a year to railroad surveys for the Western Pacific in the states of Nevada and California. From June, 1904, to January, 1905, he was in charge of ditch, tunnel and flume construction in Trinity county for the North Mountain Power Company, which was preparing to transmit power to Eureka, California. He was next with the Ocean Shore Railroad Company, acting as resident engineer in charge of construction until August, 1909, when he resigned to become assistant engineer under Marsdon Manson, city engineer of San Francisco, and at first supervised the construction of cisterns, storm and sanitary sewers and the Mission viaduct, while later he had charge of the construction of the high pressure fire system for one year. From 1912 to 1917 he was assistant engineer under M. M. O’Shaughnessy, in charge of the building of the Fort Mason pumping station, a part of the high pressure fire system, and also had supervision of the construction of the Stockton street and Twin Peaks tunnels. During the period from 1917 to 1921 he was construction engineer of the Retch Retchy (sic) water supply under M. M. O’Shaughnessy, city engineer, having charge of the construction of ditches, flumes, tunnels, and power house of the Lower Cherry Power Development, the Lake Eleanor dam, and excavation work for the O’Shaughnessy dam foundation in Tuolumne county, California. From 1921 to 1930 he was construction engineer for the Retch Retchy (sic) water supply, in charge of construction of the Mountain and Foothill divisions, consisting of the building of thirty-six miles of tunnels, the Priest and Moccasin dams, the Moccasin power-house and penstocks. On March 3, 1930, his ability and experience won for him the appointment of chief assistant city engineer and he is efficiently continuing his work in connection with the development of the Retch Retchy (sic) project. His devotion to duty and well developed powers have brought him to the fore in his profession and his scientific knowledge, supplemented by broad practical experience, enables him to find a ready and accurate solution for all intricate and difficult technical problems. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. 

      Dr. McAfee married Miss Emily Meckel of Trinity county, California, in 1907, and they have three daughters: Katherine, a teacher in St. Rose Academy in San Francisco; and Dorothy and Harriett, who are students at the Dominican College at San Rafael, California


Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 83-85.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County