San Francisco County









BYRON MAUZY, one of the most enterprising music dealers of San Francisco, is the subject of the following brief biographical sketch. He was born and reared in the State of Indiana, and received his education there. In 1876 he came to California, and entered the old and well-known music house of Kohler & Chase, where he remained some years. In 1883 he embarked in the music trade in a small way on his own account, his store being located on Post street; there he conducted a growing business for more than three years, when to meet the demands of his patrons he removed to the commodious quarters he now occupies, Nos. 308, 310, 312 and 314 Post street, in the Pacific Union Club building; there he has a frontage of fifty-four feet, and a depth of 125 feet, the finest location of any music house in the city. Mr. Mauzy here has a large show and sales room which is in every way suited to his necessities. He has the agency for the Pacific coast of four leading manufacturers of pianos: the celebrated Sohmer & Co., Chase Brothers, Hallett & Cumston, and Newby & Evans; also the Palace reed and pipe organs, and the Hook & Hastings pipe organs. He carries a large stock of what is termed small goods, which includes various kinds of musical instruments.


The Sohmer piano has rapidly grown in public favor, and this house has constantly increasing demands for this popular instrument. A very attractive feature of Mr. Mauzy’s house is the fortnightly concerts which he introduced three years ago. He was the first to inaugurate this class of entertainment, securing the best musical talent and attracting the lovers of music from all over the city. Much has been done in this way to cultivate the musical taste and elevate the standard. Mr. Mauzy’s rooms are excellently suited to this sort of gathering, and the  invitation he so heartily extends is just as heartily accepted. Through his ability and energy he has made his business a marked success, a fact all the more credible in consideration of the strong competition he has been obliged to meet. It might be mentioned in this connection that Mr. Mauzy has just secured the contract for placing the Sohmer and Newby & Evans pianos in the great “Leland Standford, Jr., University.” He also supplied the large Chapel Palace organ.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Pages 130-131, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.



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