San Francisco County







THE MATTHIAS GRAY CO.—This old established music house was founded in San Francisco in 1852 by Matthias Gray, the pioneer in the music business on the Pacific coast. The business was first established by him in 1852 in a small way on Washington street, in only one room, and with a stock consisting of one Steinway piano and two or three of other kinds. The growth of musical interests in this city has kept pace with the progress and development in other directions, and now the Matthias Gray Company carry in their house here as large a stock of Steinway and other pianos as the manufacturers carry in their warerooms. From Washington street the establishment was moved to Clay street, and at different times occupied different localities on that street, changing to meet the demands of their constantly increasing trade. From Clay street they moved to Kearny, thence to the White House, and finally to their elegant and commodious quarters at 206 and 208 Post street, these buildings being four stories high. The first floor of 206 is occupied by the office and counting room, and also contains a stock of sheet music and small instruments. On the second floor above this is the attractive music hall, with a seating capacity of 200. The walls of this apartment are finely ornamented with portraits of the most eminent musicians. An attractive feature of this department are the series of concerts and musical receptions given each season, they having been inaugurated by Woldemar Ludovici, the efficient managing director of the Matthias Gray Co. One floor is designated the Steinway floor, is divided into different rooms and fitted up and furnished with elegance and taste. The "Grand Room" contains the finest pianos in the world, valued at from $1,000 to $2,000 each. The value of the stock in this room and in the "Upright Steinway Room" is over $50,000. Another floor contains pianos and instruments of other manufacturers. Other apartments are used for receiving goods, tuning and repairing instruments, and still others are fitted up for the convenience of music teachers who give lessons to private pupils.


Transcribed 3-31-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 403, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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