San Francisco County








CHRISTIAN S. MARTIN, real-estate and insurance agent at 956 Broadway, Oakland, was born in Denmark, May 28, 1844, a son of Morten S. and Marian (Christian) Martin. The mother died at thrity-five at childbirth, the newly-born child soon following; another child dying at the age of eight; and Christian S., alone of his mother’s children reaching manhood. His father learned the carpenter’s trade, which became his chief occupation through life, and lived to the age of seventy-nine, dying in 1877. He was of a long-lived family, one of his aunts reaching the remarkable age of 101 years.

      C. S. Martin, the subject of this sketch, attended school to his fifteenth year, and when about sixteen began to learn the trade of cabinet-maker, serving an apprenticeship of three years. Working as journeyman some five years longer in his native land, he came to America in 1869, and worked about one year at his trade in Chicago, when he went South and followed the same line in Louisiana and Texas, principally at Monroe, Louisiana, where he was for a time foreman of a railroad car-shop. Returning to Illinois he went to work at Lake Forest, in Lake county, where he was engaged in the line of his trade, at first on wages, and then on his own account until he left for California in 1875. Arriving in San Francisco on May 31, he worked the first year as a journeyman carpenter, and then for over ten years as a contractor and builder. Meanwhile he had established his home in Oakland in March, 1876. In 1887 he embarked in the real-estate and insurance business in this city, representing in the latter line the Sun Insurance Company of San Francisco. In 1891, with other members of his family, he became interested in the Palace Stables on Seventh street, a block east of Market street station. Mr. Martin is a careful, shrewd, industrious and successful man, commanding the respect and confidence of those with whom he has business relations of any sort.

      Mr. C. S. Martin was married in Waukegan, Illinois, May 2, 1871, to Miss Mary E. Wiegandt, born in Denmark, May 13, 1850, a daughter of Theodor Julius and Julia (Foster) Wiegandt, both of whom lived to about the age of sixty-seven, dying in Copenhagen. Mrs. Martin arrived in Chicago in 1870, was married in 1871 as stated, and came to California in 1875, with her husband and two children, born in Lake Forest, Illinois. These, with the three born in Oakland, are in the order of birth as follows: Walter, February 2, 1872, now a student in Hahnemann College of San Francisco, preparing for the career of physician and surgeon and already known by the sobriquet of Dr. Martin; George Elles, November 29, 1873, now learning the profession or trade of machinist; Augustus or "Gustave," May 7, 1876, already a clerk in the Oakland office of the Sun Insurance Company of San Francisco; Julius, May 17, 1877; Lenora, October 30, 1888.


Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 562-563, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Elaine Sturdevant.


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