San Francisco County





MARTIN, JOSEPH, General Manager of the National Ice and Cold Storage company, San Francisco, California, was born in Fordsham, Cheshire, England, April 21, 1854. He is the son of Joseph martin and Mary (Grace) Martin, being descended of the Martin stock of England. Mr. Martin married Belle Green at Sacramento, California, May 23, 1889, and to them have been born two children, Joseph Martin, Jr., and Chester Miller martin.

Mr. Martin received his general education at Overton College, in his native town. Later he embarked for America to seek his fortune and arrived in San Francisco October 21, 1868, after making the trip from England in the British ship Cordillera, by way of Cape Horn. He has made his home there ever since. 

His first employment was in the ice business and he has been in that field practically ever since, being at the present time one of the leaders of the industry. He remained in San Francisco until 1872, then made a trip to England and various parts of Europe for his company, returning to the United States the following year.

Later Mr. Martin became a gold miner in California and Nevada, being located for a time at Virginia City, Nevada. In 1875, however, he gave up mining, and, returning to San Francisco, re-engaged in the ice business, with which he has been identified since. In 1878 he organized the Mountain Ice Company and after operating it with success for five years, formed, in 1883, another company known as the Floriston Ice Company. Later he aided in the organization of the Union Ice Company.

Early in the eighties Mr. Martin organized the first company for the shipment of California fruits to Eastern markets under ice, this being the starting point for the present refrigerator car service which is now one of the most important industries in the United States and the chief reliance of the great California fruit-growing business.

Along this same line, Mr. Martin was instrumental in sending to Australia one of the first ice and cold storage machines ever seen in that country and this formed the basis of the meat-shipping business in the Southern Continent, which now furnishes a large portion of the meat consumed annually in the British Isles.

Mr. Martin, aside from being a pioneer in the ice manufacturing business, has been one of its greatest upbuilders, and has done quite as much as any other man to advance the industry, especially on the Pacific Coast. At different times he organized a score or more ice manufacturing and cold storage concerns, each one operating its own plant, and these are now all controlled by the national Ice and Cold Storage Company, which corporation he helped to organize and of which he is the directing force at the present time.

Although Mr. Martin has at different times invested in various oil and mining propositions, his chief interests have been in the ice and cold storage business. In addition to his position with the National Company, Mr. Martin is Vice President of the Fresno Consumers’ Ice Company, and holds the same office in the Nevada National Ice and Cold Storage Company. He is also a Director in the Commercial Petroleum Company and the Atlas Wonder Mining Company, and is Secretary of the Sparks-Reno Electric Railroad.

In 1909, Mr. Martin went on a tour around the world, primarily to visit the ice and cold storage plants of the various countries, but he also combined business and pleasure, taking the members of his family with him.

Mr. Martin is a member of the Elks and the Transportation Club, of San Francisco, but he is not a clubman in the accepted meaning of the term, for he finds his chief recreation in the home circle.

Transcribed 11-29-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I,  Page 160, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.



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