San Francisco County







JOHN MALLON is one of San Francisco’s enterprising business men and is the pioneer in art and ornamental glass works on the Pacific coast. A brief review of his life is as follows:

      Mr. Mallon is a native of Ireland. When two years of age he was brought by his parents to America, and was reared and educated in New York city, where he learned his trade. In 1858 he came to San Francisco and started his glass works. Previous to that time very little ornamental glass had been used here, and he was two years in introducing the business. He first established himself at the Pioneer flour mill on Market street, from there removed to Chase & McDonald’s mill on Beale, near Market street, remained there until that landmark was taken away, and then removed to the Mechanics’ mill. The latter mill was burned, Mr. Mallon sustaining considerable loss. His next move was to his present quarters, 19 Fremont street. Previous to 1869 he had confined himself to glass cutting and beading, but at that time, in order to make the glass business complete, he added the department of glass staining to his establishment. His staining works are located on Howard street. At his Fremont factory he uses steam power. Mr. Mallon has done work not alone in this city but at Los Angeles and San Diego, and in fact has the leading Pacific coast trade in his line of business. During the past year and a half he put in several beautiful and costly memorial windows, among them one for Mrs. Crocker and one for Senator Leland Stanford. The Senator wrote Mr. Mallon that they had not seen a window in all Europe equal to the one he put in for them. Mr. Mallon has invented and had patented the process for taking photographs on glass and burning them in,–a very valuable improvement; is also able to color the work.

      When he first began business here in 1858, Mr. Mallon did all the work himself; now, 1891, he employs forty-three men. In 1859 he became a member of the Mechanics’ Institute, and has made exhibits of his work in every fair held in the city, and has received may prizes and diplomas. At Sacramento he received a prize medal for the artistic beauty and superiority of his work. He has had the honor of being a director of the Mechanics’ Institute for the past six years.

      In 1848 Mr. Mallon was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Henson, a native of Ireland. Of the seven children born to them, only two are now living, viz: Peter L., who superintends the glass-staining works, and Josephine, wife of Fred. M. Pierce of San Francisco. Mr. Mallon has adopted his grandson, Charles Garfield Mallon.

Mr. Mallon owns considerable real estate in this city and also a ranch at Anaheim, Los Angeles county.


Transcribed 6-5-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 414-415, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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