William Casey Mahoney is a San Francisco architect whose work has brought him high standing in his profession on the Pacific Coast. He is a native son and represents one of the pioneer families of the state. 

Mr. Mahoney was born at San Francisco, February 2, 1869. His father, Denis Mahoney was born in Ireland in 1816, married Margaret Casey at Albany, New York, and they arrived in San Francisco with three children, he was the first of the pioneers to engage largely in the cattle business, and established the first slaughter house in San Francisco, which was situated on what is now the corner of Van Ness Avenue and Jackson Street. Eight other children were born in California, and several of them have made exceptional records in the professions and in business affairs.  

William Casey Mahoney was educated in grammar schools in San Francisco, in the Sacred Heart Academy, and in 1889 took up the study of architecture with Mr. Hendrickson. In 1891 Mr. Hendrickson took him into partnership, and from 1896 until 1906 he was in partnership with C.T. Ryland. Later W. J. Cuthbertson became his partner, under the firm name of Cuthbertson and Mahoney, and since 1915 Mr. Mahoney has practiced alone, with offices at 159 Sutter Street. Mr. Mahoney served as city architect, and has designed and supervised the construction of many notable buildings in San Francisco and vicinity. 

He married Mary T. Bergin. Her father, James J. Bergin, with her grandfather, started the first toilet soap factory in San Francisco, on Powell and Green streets. Mrs. Mahoney is a niece of Thomas I. Bergin, member of the prominent law firm McAllister and Bergin at San Francisco. Six children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Mahoney, three sons and three daughters. The oldest, Andrew William, born April 19,1897, is now superintendent of the local sales agency of the Studebaker Company, and in 1921 married Jeanette Kearney, a granddaughter of the famous Denis Kearney, a daughter of William Kearney and niece of Mildred Kearney, the famous singer. The second child of Mr. and Mrs. Mahoney is James Bergin, born in July, 1898, now connected with the Mohawk Tire Company. Mary Bergin, the third in age, was born August 2, 1899; Mira, born December 15, 1900, is the wife of Robert Sharp Mitchell, of San Francisco, whose father was chief of the secret service during the McKinley administration; Denis Mahoney, born November 2, 1903, a student in the University of California; and Kathleen, born July2, 1905, attending Lowell High School. 

Louise E. Shoemaker, Transcriber February 18th 2004

Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region" by Bailey Millard Vol. 3 page 73-74. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc. 1924.

© 2004 Louise Shoemaker


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