San Francisco County



Max Magnus, M. D.


Max Magnus, M. D., whose office is at No. 9 Mason street, San Francisco since 1873, and has been engaged in the practice of medicine since 1888.  He was born in Brandenburg, Germany, in 1854, and his family on both sides have been in military life for generations.  His father was an officer in the cavalry of the Prussian service, in which the Doctor himself was brought up and educated.  Later he entered the gymnasium, where he graduated in 1872.  In that year he came to California and engaged in teaching calisthenics and gymnastics in the Magnus Gymnasium, and later went to Milwaukee, where he studied, and then graduated in the Normal School for Teachers of Gymnastics.  Returning to California, he engaged in teaching and developed a high branch in that direction, termed mechano-therapy.  At the same time he commenced the study of medicine at the Cooper Medical College of San Francisco, which he attended two years.  Later he entered the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, where he graduated in 1888, receiving his degree as Doctor of Medicine.  He then spent four months in visiting the various gymnasia of the United States, after which he returned to San Francisco.  Here he established the Magnus Sanitary Gymnasium, No. 310 O’Farrell street, where, besides the ordinary gymnastic teaching and practice, Dr. Magnus pays special attention to mechano-therapy, or the treatment of certain diseases and their cure by proper adaptive and developing movements.  Besides the special work, the Doctor is engaged in the general practice of medicine.


Transcribed Karen L. Pratt.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 646-647, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Karen L. Pratt.



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