San Francisco County









      Thirty years in the practice of law in San Francisco have brought to Edward J. Lynch a position of distinction at the local bar, and a number of responsible appointments for his legal services in the city administration during this period. He is a native son of San Francisco, his birth occurred here on August 19, 1878.

      Mr. Lynch is a son of Michael Mark and Cecelia (McFarland) Lynch, and on the paternal side of his family is descended from the famous Lynches of Galway, Ireland. Michael Mark Lynch was born there February 25, 1843, and as a boy went to the mines in Australia and New Zealand. In 1867 he came to California. His wife, Cecelia (McFarland) Lynch, was born in Leitrim, Ireland, in 1851, and was a member of one of the old north of Ireland families, of both Irish and Scotch derivation. She sailed for the United States as a young girl and lived with relatives in New York until coming to California in 1873.

      Edward J. Lynch graduated from the Mission grammar school, also from the old Boys’ high school, in San Francisco. His ambition was to become a lawyer, and accordingly he took a course in jurisprudence under the noted John S. Partridge, who was afterward federal judge. He then spent six years in the law department of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, there acquiring most valuable and important training, and on June 12, 1901, he was admitted to the California state bar. He established himself in the general practice of law the same year, and has continued therein with ever increasing success. During the course of his career, he has occupied a number of positions in connection with the city administration which indicate the recognized ability which he possesses. He was attorney for the public administrator of San Francisco in 1906-07; attorney for the tax collector of San Francisco in 1904-05; and special assistant city attorney in the years 1923, 1924 and 1925. He is a member of the San Francisco Bar Association.

      In San Francisco, on November 19, 1907, Mr. Lynch was married to Miss Benvenuta Grady, who was born in this city February 19, 1884, and is a daughter of John H. and Nellie (Rourke) Grady. Her grandfather, Edward Grady, and his bride came to California in 1849 from New Orleans. Their route was by way of the Isthmus of Panama. After landing in San Francisco, they went to Columbia to the mining fields. John H. Grady received his education in San Francisco, and later became one of the most prominent real estate dealers of the city. He served two terms as tax collector, and gave his support to James D. Phelan in the latter’s campaign to defeat the bosses who had previously held control in the city. The campaign was successful, and Mr. Grady was rewarded by being appointed as a member of the board of fire commissioners by Mayor Phelan. Both of Mrs. Lynch’s parents are now deceased.

      Mr. and Mrs. Lynch are the parents of three children, Helen Benvenuta, Barbara and Patricia, aged twenty-two, nineteen, and ten years, respectively (1931). Helen Benvenuta Lynch has completed postgraduate studies at the University of California, having received the degree of Master of Arts in May, 1931. She resides at 2730 Vallejo street in San Francisco. Barbara Lynch is now attending the University of California, and was elected vice president of the senior class. She lives at 1756 Le Roy avenue in Berkeley. Patricia Lynch is a pupil in the Grant school of San Francisco.

      The religious faith of Edward J. Lynch is that of Roman Catholic Church. Politically, he is a strong republican and has been chairman of district delegations to state and local conventions. He is vice president of the Dutton Dredge Company, Limited, and is a director of the Hall Association, Native Sons of the Golden West. In the Native Sons of the Golden West he has been one of the moving figures, having been grand president in 1925, and being now a member of the Past Grand Presidents’ Association. He belongs to San Francisco Council of the Knights of Columbus; the Presidio Golf Club; the Commonwealth Club; and the Ariel Rowing Club. Mrs. Lynch is a member and former vice president of the Philathea Club.

      Mr. Lynch is typical of the class of citizens who have brought San Francisco to the victory it has won during the last twenty years, after disaster and internal corruption had nearly destroyed hopes of progress. He holds an inspired love for his native city, and has consistently displayed an eagerness to cooperate in civic affairs. Those who know him are his friends.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 345-347.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County