Timothy J. Lyons, one of the leading members of the bar of San Francisco, was born in the city of London, England, October 25, 1860.  His parents emigrated to Boston during his babyhood, and there he passed his childhood and youth.  He attended the grammar school, and also the high school, taking the additional scholarship for Harvard University.  In December, 1873, he came with his mother to California, his father having come the previous year.  The death of both parents occurred within the year, and the son was thus left along to make his way in life unaided by the experience of the father and the counsels of the mother.  He taught in the night school, and during the day studied law under the direction of Judge Finn and Judge Reardon.  He was admitted to the bar in January, 1882, and the following year he took a course of study in the Hastings College of Law, being graduated in May, 1883.  While engaged in a general civil practice he has given much attention to probate practice, and has been connected with important probate litigation.  In 1888 he made a trip to Europe, in which business and pleasure were combined.  For so young a man he has secured a good probate practice, and he is also attorney for the Italian Government.


Mr. Lyons has a decided taste for literary pursuits, is a close and conscientious student, and devotes all his leisure time in this direction.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 617, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Donna L. Becker.


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