San Francisco County





JOHN LUTGEN, of the firm of Wichman & Lutgen, importers of and dealers in wine and liquors, and manufacturers and proprietors of Dr. Forester’s Alpine Stomach Bitters, 318, 320 and 322 Clay street, San Francisco, was born in Amt, Hagen, Germany, August 8, 1837, the eldest of the nine children of Henry and Oddel Bottger Lutgen, natives also of Germany.

Our subject followed farming until 1866, when he emigrated to America. For two years he was employed in New York, and in 1868 he came to San Francisco, via Panama, and engaged in the grocery business for some six years. Then he formed a partnership in the liquor business, as above stated. Their trade has been prosperous from the start, and has since extended not only throughout the State, but also throughout the coast, their establishment being one of the representative liquor houses of the Golden Gate City.

Mr. Lutgen is a man of family. He was married in San Francisco, in 1871, to Miss Sofia Borman, a native of Germany, and they have had four children, two of whom are living---Louisa and Adelia. Two sons, Henry and John, died in 1880. The father of Mr. Lutgen died in 1858, and his mother still resides in Germany.

Politically Mr. Lutgen is a Democrat, although not active in political matters. He is a member of the Board of Library Trustees of Alameda, where he resides, and owns a beautiful residence on Santa Clara avenue, a neat cottage of modern architecture surrounded by a beautiful lawn set to shrubbery and flowers. He is also the owner of business property in San Francisco. He belongs to no secret orders, but affiliates with several German benevolent associations.


Transcribed by 11-17-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 175-176, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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