San Francisco County







ROMULO LUNA, a commission merchant at No. 1236 Dupont street, San Francisco, established his business in 1878, and since that time he has been prominently identified with every step of progress made in the commerce of the city. The house does a general commission business, buying, selling and shipping the produce of the coast.

      Mr. Luna was born in the city of Antlan, Mexico, February 17, 1847, the fifth of six children born to Rafaid and Refujio (Gomez) Luna, natives of Mexico. The father died in 1849, and our subject was educated in (sic) Guadalaxara, and completed the course at St. Mary’s College, San Francisco, in 1876. He learned book-binding in Mexico, and followed that trade in San Francisco from1876 to 1878, at which time he embarked in the commission business. In addition to this he conducts a restaurant near his commission house, and is also the owner of city lots in Oakland, and gold-mining property at Tuolumne Hill, which is now being developed.

      Mr. Luna was married at San Francisco, December 25, 1888, to Miss Felicitos Ganzalez, a native of Mexico, and they have four children living, viz.: Miguel, Romulo, Carlos, and Rodolfo. Two of their children are deceased, – Carlos, who died in 1889, and Enrique, in 1888. Mr. Luna is a member of no secret order, but is associated with the Spanish Benevolent Society of San Francisco; also the Chileno Society.



Transcribed7-7-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 421-422, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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