San Francisco County







SIDNEY LOVELL is a young architect of great promise. He was born in Racine, Wisconsin, 1866, and the son of English parents who emigrated to this county and were among the first settlers of Wisconsin. Philip Lovell, an old and well-known business man of Racine, now deceased, was his father. Our subject was reared and educated in his native city, and after leaving school entered the office of an architect with the intention of taking up the profession. Not long after this decision, in 1883, he had an opportunity of associating himself with Colonel J. M. Wood, of Chicago, who is a leader among architects of theaters and public buildings. For the past eight years Mr. Lovell has been connected with Col. Wood, and a greater portion of this time has had charge of his office work, which in itself is a guarantee of his ability. In 1891 Mr. Lovell became a partner in the business, the firm name becoming Wood & Lovell.

      During the past ten years Colonel Wood has designed and erected more large theaters, opera-houses and hotels in the leading cities west of the Ohio river than any other architect. Some of the most imposing structures in the West, extending to and including the Pacific coast are of his design. The new California Theater and Hotel of San Francisco was built after his designing, and is of most artistic construction.

      Mr. Lovell has been the constant companion of Colonel Wood in his travels throughout the West, and has been an invaluable aid to him in the carrying out of his designs. The successes of this firm have been most gratifying, and Colonel Wood is to be congratulated upon having secured the interest of a young man at once so capable and devoted to his profession.

Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 462-463, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.




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