San Francisco County






A. H.  LOUGHBOROUGH,  a leading lawyer of San Francisco, was born over fifty years ago in Warrenton, the county seat of Fauquier county, Virginia.  His father, Hamilton Loughborough, was a member of the Washington bar, to which he came from Richmond after his father’s death.  Shortly after his birth the family removed to the Manor House at Grasslands, an estate that had passed from father to son for a number of generations, and which is now the property of ex-Secretary Whitney.  Our subject commenced his education in the schools of Washington, graduated at Georgetown College, studied law in his father’s office, and was admitted to the bar in 1860.  He immediately came to San Francisco and entered ener- getically into the practice of his profession and therefore successfully.

In 1862 he formed a law partnership with Julius George,  under the name of George & Loughborough, and this partnership continued until the death of  Mr. George in 1880.  Shortly afterward Mr. Loughborough formed a partnership with W. Mayo Newhall, son of the late H. M. Newhall, the firm name being Loughborough & Newhall.  Upon the death of his father Mr.  Newhall abandoned the practice of law to devote his time to other matters, and so the partnership was dissolved.  Mr. Loughborough’s practice has been confined almost exclusively to the probate court, he having a wide knowledge of real-estate matters in all their bearings, and he has settled a great number of estates, both large and small, and all satisfactorily.  For twenty eight years he has occupied the rooms he first rented with Mr. George on the northwest corner of Montgomery and Sacramento streets.

He is, both professionally and socially, a worthy follower of his father’s footsteps, and is as much a Californian as if he had been born here.  In 1868 he married Miss Zane, of Wheeling, West Virginia, a descendant of one of the pioneers of the Ohio valley, after whom the town of Zanesville was named.  They have four children, of whom the eldest, A.  Z.,  is studying law in his father’s office.


Transcribed by Walt Howe. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 19, Lewis Publishing Co., 1892.

© 2005 Walt Howe.




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