Rev. Father H. J. Logan, San Rafael, was born in county Derry, Ireland, in 1852.  He has been connected with St. Raphael Church at San Rafael seven years, and during those years has made many warm friends and gained the confidence and respect of all citizens, both Protestant and Catholic.  He is a jovial, whole-souled, good natured gentleman, with a kind greeting to the children and a hearty handshake for all.  The church is located centrally and upon the old mission cemetery grounds, used for over 100 years.  The school building, hall, and residences are all adjacent to the church, which was erected by Rev. Father Birmingham in 1870.  The school and hall were both erected in 1889, and the residence in 1885.  The San Rafael College for young ladies was erected in 1889, at a cost of over $100,000.  The building has a frontage of 219 feet, with a uniform depth of 86 feet, is a four story structure, heated by steam and has all the modern improvements.  The institution has at this time seventy-five boarders, is conducted by the Sisters of St. Dominic, and is the headquarters of all the Sisters of the coast.  The provincials reside here. The church, through Archbishop Riordan of San Francisco, has purchased 650 acres near the city, on which they will erect a theological seminary for the training of priests.  The plans are now being drawn for the building, the estimated cost being $300,000.  The parochial school has some 200 children in attendance.


Transcribed 11-10-04  Marilyn R. Pankey


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 607-608, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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