San Francisco County








COLONEL WILLIAM C. LITTLE, President of the Little & Knowles Lumber Company, corner of Mission and Main streets, San Francisco, was born in Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. His father, a native of Maine, was a sea captain who owned a clipper brig, the Griffin, and did an extensive business between China and the Mexican coast, making Honolulu his stopping place between the countries. He finally lost his life at the post of duty, and went down with his vessel in the harbor of Mazatlan, which was visited by a terrible norther.

      William C. Little was educated at Harvard University, but did not graduate, however, on account of his anxiety to reach California in 1854. On his arrival here he entered the banking house of Lucas, Turner & Co., at the head of which was General Tecumseh Sherman. When this concern closed its business, he engaged with the well-known banking firm of Parrott & Co., where he remained until 1867. Then he embarked in the lumber trade as partner in the firm of Taylor & Co., of Oakland, with whom he remained until 1887, when he organized the incorporated company known as the Little & Knowles Lumber Company. Their increasing business attests his ability as an organizer and a thoroughly energetic business man. They carry about 1,500,000 feet of stock, composed chiefly of pine and redwood, making a specialty of curly redwood. They are agents for the Del Norte Commercial Company Mill, situated on Smith river, Del Norte county; also receive large shipments of lumber from Puget Sound, and white cedar from Coquille river.

      Mr. Little joined the City Guard at its organization about 1856, and for over twenty years was an active member, entering as private and retiring as Colonel. He is now Past Commander of the Veteran Corps.

      He was married in Oakland, in 1864, to Miss Sarah Watkins, a native of Morristown, New Jersey. They have five children: Helen, William, Joseph, Caroline and Weare. The Colonel has built a fine residence in Oakland, on Broadway and the city line, his lawns and grounds embracing an acre and a half. He is a member of the A. O. U. W., and of the Harvard University clubs.

      Upon the organization of the Lumber Dealers’ Exchange, in October, 1888, Colonel Little was elected president, which position of honor he has held to the present time. In May, 1891, he was the delegate of the Exchange to the United Association of Lumber-men held in Chicago. He is prominent among the lumber dealers of the coast, and is looked up to as a sound adviser and counselor in the lumber interests.



Transcribed 7-23-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pg 422-423, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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