San Francisco County









      Notably prominent in legal affairs of San Francisco and widely reputed as an author upon social topics is Austin Lewis, whose offices are situated at 473 Mills building. He is of English descent in both the paternal and the maternal lines of his family, and was born April 7, 1865, in Garston, England, a son of Thomas Whittle and Ellen (Austin) Lewis, the former having been born February 14, 1837, and the latter March 9, 1834.

      Mr. Lewis received his education in England; in Archbishop Holgate’s School in Hemsworth, and at the University of London, from which latter institution he received the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1888 and the Intermediate Bachelor of Laws degree. In the year 1890, Mr. Lewis came to the United States, and to California, where he taught at the Tamalpais Military Academy in San Rafael. He was admitted to the California state bar in 1898, and has since been continuously engaged in the practice of his profession, with eminent success and with great credit to his training and fine knowledge of jurisprudence.

      As an author, Mr. Lewis has won international recognition and is likewise widely known as a lecturer. Among his books are the following: Rise of American Proletariat; The Militant Proletariat; Proletarian and Petit Bourgeois; translations of Engels’ “Feuerbach” and Engels’ “Anit Duehring,” and many other books and pamphlets. As indicated by his writings, he is a socialist in his beliefs and an ardent supporter of his ideals in this respect. In 1906, he was the socialist candidate for governor of California. He is a member of the Press Club.

      On June 11, 1895, in San Rafael, California, Mr. Lewis was married to Ethel Barnby, and to their union have been born four children. Aylen, the oldest, is the wife of H. S. Penman, resident of Richmond, California; they have two children, Beverley and Hugh S. Hesper Lewis, who married L. A. Billington of Alameda, California, is now deceased; their children are Alethea and John Austin. Saxon Austin Lewis married Vivian Borden and now lives in Oakland. Hope Lewis is the wife of Ralph H. Sliter of Oakland, and they have one daughter, Marilyn.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 335-336.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County