San Francisco County






Solomon Levy is the senior member of the firm of S. Levy & Co., general commission merchants and dealers in poultry, eggs, fruit, potatoes, butter, hides, California and Oregon produce of all kinds, 218 and 220 Washington street, San Francisco.  This house was established in 1864, and is one of the representative commission firms of the coast doing a large and profitable business in the northwest, besides having an extensive local trade.


The gentleman whose name heads this sketch, was born near Carlsbad, Austria, in December, 1839, and when a young man, learned the tanner and currier’s trade.  He came to America in 1854.  On his arrival in the city of New York he learned the jeweler’s trade, and later embarked in merchandising for a time.  In the fall of 1856 he came to California, landing in San Francisco from the steamer Golden Age.  Near the close of the same year he located in Napa city, and was there nearly a year when he returned to San Francisco and engaged in the fruit trade some three years, then in expressing until 1864, when he finally established himself in the commission business.


In 1861 Mr. Levy and Miss Ester Robeck were joined in marriage in San Francisco.  They have five children living, and have lost a daughter and a son.  The names of those living are: Rosa, Sarah, Lenora, Josephina and Helena.


Mr. Levy himself is the third of eight children in his father’s family.  His father died in 1886, and his mother is still living.  Socially Mr. Levy is connected with several secret societies and benevolent associations.  Among them may be mentioned the blue lodge, No. 216, F. & A. M.; San Francisco Chapter; Germania Lodge, No. 116, I. O. O. F.; California Lodge, No. 70, I. O. R. M.; Chebra B’nai Israel; and Chebra Ahoboth Zion,—all of San Francisco.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 98-99, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.


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