San Francisco County









      Bert W. Levit, a representative younger member of the bar of San Francisco, and a descendant of pioneer California ancestry, was born in this city February 16, 1903, a son of Morris and Fannie (Jacobs) Levit, both of whom are likewise natives of California. Mr. Levit’s grandfather fought in the Civil war, and in the ‘60s came to California, where he resided until his death in 1929. Morris Levit is vice president of the Joshua Hendy Iron Works in San Francisco.

      Bert W. Levit attended the grade schools and Lowell high school, and subsequently pursued the study of law at Stanford University, which institution conferred upon him the Doctor of Jurisprudence degree in 1925. For one year thereafter, he served as special assistant to the United States attorney-general in Washington, D. C. He then returned to San Francisco, and in 1927 became associated with Percy V. Long in the practice of law. He has achieved uncommon success during the initial years of his active work in his native city, and is building up a most promising clientele. He belongs to the California State Bar Association and the San Francisco Bar Association. The offices of the firm, known as Long & Levit, are at present situated in the Merchants Exchange building at 465 California street.

      On May 10, 1928, Mr. Levit took as his wife Miss Thelma S. Cluimeck, who was born in the city of Singapore, in the Straits Settlement. To their union has been born a son, Victor Bert.

      Mr. Levit gives his political support to the republican party. He is a charter member of the San Francisco Junior Chamber of Commerce and chairman of its municipal affairs committee. He also belongs to the Concordia Club. His favorite recreations are tennis, swimming and hiking.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 87-88.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County