San Francisco County








T. J. LeTOURNEUX, M.D., has been a resident of California for the past sixteen years, and has practiced medicine there since 1877. He was born near Montreal, Canada, in 1847, and is the eldest son of Gabriel LeTourneux, who was also a physician and a graduate of a Canadian medical college. The family are of French descent and for many generations residents of Canada. Dr. LeTourneux received his early education in Kankakee, Illinois, where his parents removed when he was still a child. Later he graduated from the Kankakee Academy, where he received a classical course. He commenced the study of medicine by learning the drug business, to which he served an apprenticeship of four years. In 1866 he began the study of medicine in connection with his already acquired vocation of pharmacist, under the preceptorship of his father and the then famous surgeon, Prof. Brainard, of Chicago. In 1874 he came to California, settling in San Francisco, and having graduated in medicine at once entered into the practice of his profession. He was for three years resident physician of St. Marys Hospital. He is an active member of the San Francisco County Medical Society and also the State Medical Society, in both of which he has held important, responsible and influential positions. Since 1887 he has been a member of the State Board of Medical Examiners, and at present its president. In 1887 Governor Waterman appointed Dr. LeTourneux a member of the Board of Health of the city and county of San Francisco for the regular term of four years, and he has proved to be its ablest and most energetic member.

      As a writer on medical subjects Dr. LeTourneux has gained a national reputation, and his articles to newspapers and magazines are studied with respect by professional men, and are valued highly on account of the evidence they give of deep research in their preparation as well as the cultivated mind of their author. In political matters Dr. LeTourneux, although not a partisan, has always been a consistent and loyal Republican. He is a leading member of the Union League Club, and has often been mentioned as a desirable candidate for several offices of public trust.

      Whenever his name has come up for office we see by the local papers unstinted expressions of his qualifications in all respects, with no hint of anything against him. Personally he is a genial and pleasant gentleman, a very sympathetic man, and one of fully appreciates the needs of the people.








PROFESSOR EMIL BARTH, of San Francisco, was born in Langensalza, Thuringa, Germany, in 1855. He inherited his musical talent, and began taking musical instructions in early childhood. He received his literary education at the high school and from private tutors, completing his musical course at the Royal Conservatory, Leipzig, in 1884, having been previously and during his stay at Leipzig engaged as conductor and director of musical societies. He came after absolving his course at Leipzig, directly to San Francisco, North America, since which time he has been identified with the musical profession of this city, being engaged in conducting and teaching organ, piano, harmony, composition and singing.

      Professor Barth holds the position of organist at St. Peters Church, as well as musical director of the Bach Musical Club, a prominent private orchestra, cultivating music of the highest order.




Transcribed 5-03-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 408-409, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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