San Francisco County





B. M. LELONG, of San Francisco, resided formerly in Los Angeles, where he was born, in June, 1853, a son of Martin Lelong, who came to this coast in early days of California history and was prominently connected with the events of his time until his death. He received his education at the St. Vincent College of Los Angeles, graduating with high honors. His taste and inclination soon led him into the nursery and orchard business in Los Angeles, and for a long time he was in the employ of Hon. J. M. Wolfskill; afterward was for several years superintendent for the late Albert B. Clark, and superintendent of the San Gabriel Fruit-Growers’ Association. He was commissioned a member of the State Board of Horticulture for the State at large by Governor George Stoneman, November 15, 1886; was elected Secretary of the State Board of Horticulture April 15, 1887, re-elected April 15, 1889, and re-elected for the third time April 15, 1891, and in addition to his duties as secretary was made ex-officio chief horticultural officer of the State, both of which positions he still holds. Following are extracts from the reports of the State Board of Horticulture:

“The President announced that B. M. Lelong, having received the unanimous vote of the commissioners present, declared him re-elected secretary. Commissioner Peck moved that the secretary be and is hereby tendered a vote of thanks as the sentiment of the Board for the services performed by that officer during the past two years. Complimentary remarks were made by the commissioners present.”–Report of 1889, page 466.

At a meeting of the Board held in Los Angeles in March, 1890, the Executive Committee reported that “after a careful examination of the offices of our secretary, we find that his duties have been performed in an exceedingly satisfactory manner.”

“Commissioner Block made a few complimentary remarks and said he was indeed very glad that such report was made, and moved that the report be received, adopted and spread in full upon the minutes of the Board, as the sentiments of the Board in regard to the secretary, for the efficient services performed by him since his accession to the office. Motion carried unanimously.”–Report of 1890, page 20.

During the year 1890 Mr. Lelong visited the States of Louisiana, Florida, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey and New Hamshire (sic), in search of information in relation to the fruit industry, and the information obtained proved of incalculable value in the horticulturists of California. Before his return home his duties led him to Washington, where he met the congressional Committee on Agriculture, and zealously labored for the interests of the fruit-raisers of the Pacific coast. Mr. Lelong is the author of several valuable horticultural works, notably “A Treatise on Citrus Culture in California,” which was published in 1889, the State Legislature requiring an edition of 10,000 for distribution; “Fruit Culture,” published in 1890; “The Distribution of the Yellows in the United States,” published in 1891; and he is also the author of the Annual Reports of the State Board of Horticulture for the years 1887, 1888, 1889, and 1890; each containing about 500 pages. He also wrote fifty-eight bulletins on various subjects pertaining to horticultural pursuits.

Mr. Lelong was married in March, 1888, to Miss Ida F. Emmett, a niece of General Steadman of Toledo, Ohio.


Transcribed by 9-4-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 335-336, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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