San Francisco County




John Leffler, M.D., whose office is at No. 22 Geary street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California since 1864, and has practiced medicine on the coast for the past sixteen years.  He was born in Van Buren county, Iowa, in 1842, on the farm which is still owned and conducted by his father.  His early education was received in the public schools of that county, and he also worked on his father's farm until the age of eighteen years.  During the Pike's Peak excitement of 1862, Mr. Leffler left home, and, except a visit home in 1884, he has remained West since that time.  He spent two years in Colorado, engaged in mining, ranching and stock-raising.  On coming to California in 1864, he worked on a ranch for about two years, and then attended the Sotoyome Institute at Healdsburg, from 1867 to 1869.  He then engaged in teaching school, in which he continued for about five years, meanwhile engaging in the study of medicine.  In 1872 he came to San Francisco and studied under the preceptorship of Dr. L. C. Lane, at the same time attending lectures at the Medical College of the Pacific, now the Cooper Medical College, graduating at that institution November 5, 1874.  Dr. Leffler commenced the practice of medicine at Martinez, Contra Costa county, and continued there for about thirteen years.  In 1887 he returned to San Francisco, where he has built up a satisfactory practice.  Dr. Leffler is one of the medical examiners of the Society of Chosen Friends of San Francisco.


Transcribed 2-18-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 48, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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