San Francisco County






GEORGE W. LEE, License Collector, San Francisco, is a native of Pennsylvania, being born in the city of Philadelphia, in 1856. He came here with his mother during his early childhood and received his education in the public schools of this city. After reaching manhood he engaged in a produce and commission business. He was appointed chief bookkeeper of the street department and held that position during the fiscal years of 1884-‘85, under the Ruggles and Patterson administration.

      Mr. Lee is in his political affiliations a staunch Republican. He has represented one district on the Republican County Committee for eight years, and has held the position of secretary of the Republican County Commission for four years, chosen by the people at large. He was appointed to his present position, Collector of Licenses, June 8, 1891, receiving a unanimous vote. He is what may be called a self-made man, his success in life being wholly due to his own earnest efforts. 

      He is a member of the order of Foresters.


Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 539-540, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Elaine Sturdevant.


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