San Francisco County









      Rev. Samuel J. Lee, one of the most respected members of the San Francisco clergy, is now pastor of St. James Episcopal Church at 4620 California street, and has been engaged in his holy work in this state for a period of three decades. He was born in Deal, England, and when a young man took up educational activities in his native land. He was a preceptor in an English church school.

      In 1889, Rev. Lee came to San Francisco, California, and became resident master in the Trinity school under Dr. E. B. Spaulding. He was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop William Ford Nichols on May 2, 1902, at St. Matthew’s Church in San Mateo, California, and then was made assistant pastor at St. Stephen’s Church. In July, 1898, prior to his ordination, he had been named as rector of St. James parish, and in the fall of 1902 he became priest in charge, St. James at that time having been a mission. It became a regular parish July 6, 1904, and on August 11th following Rev. Lee became the first rector of the church. In the service of this congregation he has achieved notable success. He has twice cleared the church from debt, and has done many other things of vast benefit to the parish.

      Rev. Lee was married to Miss Laura Moreton, who was also born in England, and they are the parents of a daughter, Laurie Rosalie, who is a graduate of Wilson’s private school. Mrs. Lee is an accomplished musician, a teacher of music, and organist in St. James Church.

      Rev. Lee is a Scottish Rite Mason and belongs to Oriental Lodge, No. 144, F. & A. M. For ten years, he was a chaplain in the Masonic fraternity. He is popular among the many people under his charge and also among numerous others who are not members of his church. His kindly and intelligent guidance has been felt in many directions, and he is eminently worthy of the high esteem which he commands.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 178-179.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County