San Francisco County









      In the priesthood of San Francisco one who is doing religious work of notable character and real worth is the Rev. Louis Le Bihan of the Marist Fathers, who is the pastor of Our Lady of Victory Roman Catholic Church at 566 Bush street, the congregation of which is composed of French families resident in this city.

      Father Le Bihan was born in Paris, France, December 8, 1884, and was reared in Brittany, the old province of northwestern France. He attended the Marist Fathers’ school in the old country, and in 1903 he came to the United States. He entered the Marist College in Washington, D. C., and was there ordained to the priesthood in 1908. He then became a professor and missionary at the Marist College in Atlanta, Georgia, where he remained for three years, or until 1911, in which year he came to San Francisco to assume the duties of assistant pastor in the parish of Our Lady of Victory Church. In 1927, he was appointed pastor in charge, his present incumbency. He has two assistant pastors for the conduct of the church work.

      Our Lady of Victory Roman Catholic Church is one of the most interesting of the numerous excellent parishes of this faith in San Francisco. It is a significant fact that there are eleven thousand French people in this city. In two of the four Sunday masses, the sermon is delivered in the French language, the latest being in English. French language is taught in the very excellent parochial school of this church as a specialty, and every effort is made to preserve the fine traditions of the nationality. All of the customary Catholic societies are represented by organizations in this church parish.

      Father Le Bihan is a willing cooperator with the citizens of San Francisco in movements designed to help the community in general, and is known widely as a man of broad and intelligent views, of kindly character, and one who is wholly devoted to the religious work he is doing. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 253-254.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County