San Francisco County







   GEORGE E. LAWRENCE, a San Francisco lawyer, was born at Ann Arbor, Michigan, where his people had settled in Territorial days; his grandfather removed from Massachusetts when a young man.  The first settlement of the Lawrences in this country was in New England, in Puritan times.  The grandfather was an eminent lawyer, and on the bench of Supreme Judges of that Territory.  His father, the late well-known E. A. Lawrence, was born at Monroe, Michigan, and studied in the University of that State, graduating in its first class.  Coming to California in 1855, he followed his profession here in San Francisco to the time of his death, June 10, 1866.  As a real-estate lawyer he took eminent rank, probably because the drift of his practice was in that direction.  His wife was a member of the Parmelee family of New York; her father was a prominent merchant of New York city.

   Mr. G. E. Lawrence came to California in 1856, when a child.  In 1868-74 he completed his education in Europe, attending the University of Bonn, which was an average attendance of some 1,500 students.  Philosophy, the classics, modern languages, etc., were included in the curriculum.  On his return to America he remained in New York city to study law at the Columbia Law School, where he graduated in 1876, and admitted to practice by the Supreme Court of New York.  He remained there, in the practice of his chosen calling, until January, 1883.  Part of this time he was counsel for the great grocery house of H. K. and F. B. Thurber & Co.  Coming then to California he was associated with his father in practice until the death of the latter.

   In his practice here he has had charge of many important cases, or been retained in them as assistant counsel.  He was appointed administrator of the estate of Gabriel Vicente Castro, one of the heirs of the San Pablo ranch.  In the recent case before the Supreme Court he is counsel for several of the interested parties.  He was of counsel in the case of Tingley vs. Crocker, Frink vs. Roe, Hodgdon vs. Reis and other important cases, in the trial of which many of the leading members of the bar were retained.

   Mr. Lawrence’s home is in Alameda county, where he engages to some extent as an amateur farmer on a fair piece of property which he owns.  In politics he is a Republican, but he has never sought office, preferring the activity of his profession and its substantial rewards to the turmoil of politics.  In his practice he is busily engaged, indeed, frequently called to different parts of the State.  He is a member of the Law Library Association.  His recreation is rather in literature and kindred studies.


Transcribed by Cathi Skyles.


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 300-301, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Cathi Skyles.




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